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Wiha, with over 70 years of manufacturing experience, has developed into one of the world's leading manufacturers of high quality premium tools. Wiha is comminted to producing the highest quality products, customer satisfaction and constant continous improvement in designs and production efficiency. Wiha has earned DIN EN ISO 9001 certification and numerous awards for outstanding product design. Wiha products are produced around the world under strict ISO Quality standards. State of the art technology and special tool steels assure products consistent with our reputation for outstanding performance in demanding service, repair and production applications. The company owns subsidiaries in the USA, England, France and Spain as well as worldwide partners, which together express the global company policy of Wiha. Wiha activities In the USA Started in August of 1985 bringing Wiha quality to professional tool users in North America. The Wiha USA warehouse and distribution center services all 50 states and new facilities in Canada supply millions of tools from stock to professional quality conscious tool users through out North America.

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